Friday, December 30, 2016

Join /r/funny for the annual "best of" awards!

Hello and happy holidays from the /r/funny mods!We're participating in reddit's annual "best of" awards, in which the community chooses their favorite posts of the year. In short, we've come up with several categories, and you all get to nominate & vote for the best content (from /r/funny in 2016) in each of them. The OPs of winning posts & comments will each receive reddit gold!There are separate top-level comments below with a heading for each category -- please reply to the relevant comment with your nomination for that bracket, and be sure to link to the reddit comment section of the post if possible! All replies to top-level comments should be nominations.Categories:Best original contentMost creative postBest subtly funny postFunniest post involving a childFunniest post involving an animalBest gifFunniest post overallFunniest commentBest underrated submissionFor starters, it might help to check the highest-rated posts of 2016 as well as content that you've saved or upvoted. Please feel free nominate and/or vote on multiple entries per category, we'll have enough reddit gold for multiple winners! via /r/funny

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